Landmark Real Estate & Development
Building neighborhoods you can truly call home.

City of De Pere

Town of Ledgeview

Village of Ephraim
A little bit About Us.

Mobile: (920) 621.4929, keithgarot@new.rr.com
The Green Bay native began his real estate career as a salesperson, eventually working his way into investments and land developing. Now with over 25 years of real estate experience, Garot has successfully developed over 120 residential neighborhoods, 5 condominium developments and approximately 700 apartment units in the Fox River Valley and Northeast Wisconsin.
Keith takes pride in all his developments, truly creating neighborhoods people call home. He is an active member of the NEW Realtors Association, Valley Home Builders Association, Brown County Home Builders Association and Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce. Keith resides in De Pere, Wisconsin.

Realtor, Admin Assistant
Successful developers in Northeast Wisconsin understand the vital role that professional realtors play in sales of their communities. Landmark Real Estate and Development welcomes opportunities to partner with realtors and offers generous co-brokerage arrangements.
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Landmark Real Estate and Development320 Main Ave., Suite 300, De Pere WI 54115
De Pere 337-9566 - Appleton 739-9567 - Fax 337-9568
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